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Interviews We Love

This interview appeared in "Glamour" in 2011. Reading back on the interview now, makes us feel old, but I also noticed that the answers where still very much on target.

* *What prompted the creation of Do you feel it is filling a need in our culture? Why do you think there are so many more porn sites geared toward men than women? Are women less interested in sex, or less comfortable admitting to it?

I created because I saw that there was almost no adult entertainment content out there made with women in mind. I do think it fills a need in our culture. Porn impacts people’s expectations about sex, and informs their sexual behavior and conduct. It’s important that there is porn out there that expresses a feminine perspective and speaks to what women desire, value and expect. If there’s no porn being made for women, it has the potential effect of ceding that entire conversation about sexuality, and about depictions of sex, to a male-dominated perspective.

Women are not less interested in sex, but we still live in a society and culture that expects us to be more reserved in our sexuality and to keep quiet about our desires, while it is expected and accepted that men are open and vocal about it. It’s an obvious and ridiculous double-standard, and one of the main reasons I think porn for women is important is that it’s one way to combat the double standard. If it’s OK for men to watch and enjoy porn, it’s OK for women, too. The key is that there has to be porn out there for them to appreciate, and that’s where we come in – not just, but other publishers and directors who are making porn with female viewers in mind.

* Why should young women check out How can porn play a healthy role in young women's lives?

I think porn can be empowering for women. The porn we make presents women with real agency in their on-screen relationships; they are equal partners with their lovers, not playthings or decorations that are just there for a man’s entertainment. I think porn can send a very healthy message in that way; it can be part of a young woman becoming more assertive, more confident, and help her take ownership over her sexuality.

We've also heard from many members that they incorporate what they have seen on the site into their own bedrooms, stating that it has helped them get out of that proverbial "bedroom rut". We've also been told that our movies help "heat things up". I have to admit, I love hearing feedback like that from our members.

* Any tips for women who want to make their own home sex video with their guy? 

Practice, practice, practice, and realize that your first attempts at homemade porn might not come out as well as you would like. It’s not as easy as it seems. The other thing I would advise is to stick to what you actually enjoy, rather than trying to make the kind of porn you think other people want to see. Whether you plan to keep your homemade erotica to yourself or distribute it where others can view it, authenticity of pleasure matters.

The other piece of advice I would give is to make sure you retain all the copies of your homemade porn. In the age of so-called “Revenge Porn,” the last thing you want is for any porn you made to find its way onto the Internet, unless distributing your videos online is part of your plan from the start.

*Any tips for women curious about checking out adult entertainment for the first time - -where to start?

Well, that's a leading question and the perfect place for my shameless plug:, of course. Seriously though, this is going to sound very obvious, but start with what you know you like, and with exploring fantasies that you already indulge in. You can always expand your horizons over time, and experiment with new and different things, but when you’re first experimenting with watching porn, it’s best to start with the familiar. For one thing, if you just dive right in to the most extreme hardcore you can get your hands on, you might find yourself turned off of the whole idea of porn without ever trying something that you might respond to positively. Go slow, start with things that are comfortable and familiar, and save pushing your boundaries for when you have a bit more experience. You’ll learn a lot about yourself along the way, but there’s no sense in rushing your education, so to speak.

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