Interviews | Sssh.Com

Interviews, Thoughts & Opinions

Interviews We Love

Quite frequently we get approached for interviews or get asked for quotes or thoughts on a specific topic.  Whether it’s filmmaking, or the latest tech development, feminism, porn for women or our views on the industry-at-large we always love to share our thoughts (and opinions) on these diverse topics and more.

Below is a selection of our favorite recent interviews.  Some are in their entirety, as only a few quotes were used and context is important. Others are only a paragraph with a link to the full article, as the interview was published in its entirety.

We hope this will give you a glimpse into our world and our philosophy


At the begining of this year, Michelle Shnaidman from reached out to us about doing an interview.  The primary focus was on Angie's motivation and inspiration in starting

Bellesa: What is your main goal with

"I want to present thoughtful, intelligent films where sex is part of the narrative. I know people kind of snicker when they think of porn films, and very few think of it as an artistic medium. Yet, a sexual encounter is one of the most meaningful interactions we can have with another human being; one of the most intimate and powerful. Why on earth would such an integral part of human experience NOT be fit for artistic expression?"

The full interview can be read at


Nicholas Yanes from Scifi Pulse Magazine, reached out to speak to Angie about "Invictus" a post-apocalyptic movie that took mainstream by storm. It has been nominated and/or won over 22 awards.  A rated-R version is available on Amazon Prime.

Scifi Pulse Magazine: Growing up, what were some stories you loved experiencing? Are there any you still enjoy revisiting?

It’s funny, I’m a filmmaker, but the stories which have impacted me the most over the years have all come from books. I’m sort of a book fetishist you could say; I don’t just love reading them, I love the way they feel in my hands, even the way they smell.

Some of my favorites are relatively obscure books written by authors who are far more famous for their other works. Everybody has heard of Moby Dick, for example, but the book by Melville that resonated way more with me was The Confidence Man. It makes brilliant use of the ‘unreliable narrator’ – a narrator who lies to you about the very story you’re reading. Even though that’s a device I’ve never used myself, I was just fascinated by the process of realizing that’s what I was reading. At first, I thought “Wait a minute; this story is full of contradictions and doesn’t make any sense.” But then I realized the story isn’t just about a con; the story itself IS a con..."

The full interview can be read at ScifiPulse Magazine


Alessandro Zoppo, Editor-in-Chief of the mainstream film magazine "Good Short Films" interviewed us about "feminist porn" and our last two films, both wildly different.

The director retraces for us her interest in the adult entertainment industry: “I love exploring the more challenging stories, and I don’t think they’re at all inconsistent or incompatible with an erotic film. Sex is part of the human experience, and to me, it’s more compelling when it’s depicted in the broader context of life, which is why the underlying story is such a prominent part of my movies. It’s empowering to depict women in charge of their own bodies and desires....There’s no shortage of adult content out there, obviously, and an enormous range of types and genres, so people can find whatever they are looking for. I’m just offering an alternative. Sex is a wonderful tool. Like music, it helps to build or create emotion and tension.


The full interview can be read at Good Short Films


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