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The interview on the next four pages is from 2016 and appeared in a Norweigan Publication called Nettavisen

13. What is the biggest misconception of women in porn?

The biggest one I’ve run into is all the women in porn are broken, dysfunctional people who are controlled by awful men. It took me years just to convince a lot of people I direct my own films; they’d convinced themselves my husband or some other man did all the work, and I was there just a public face offered for PR reasons. It’s infuriating, really, and I’m sure women in other lines of male-dominated work face the same sort of assumptions. At this point, I just try to ignore it, do my thing and not worry too much about what other people think.

14. What do you think about Netflix documentaries like “Hot Girl Wanted” etc. Are they “bad for business” and portray a real picture of the industry?

I have never seen "Hot Girls Wanted", but from what I've heard, I think they only portrayed a very small slice of the industry, perhaps a studio or talent agency? I have no idea whether the depiction is accurate or not. I can only really speak with certainly to the way we operate, our ethical standards, and our commitment to our performers, employees and fans.

15. What are your thoughts on the future of porn?

I think porn is going to go in two very different directions simultaneously in the years to come. On the one hand, I think we’re going to see more and more self-produced porn, from amateur porn-makers using their phones to shoot very simple content to independent filmmakers who might have small budgets, but also have big ambitions and an expansive vision for their work.

At the same time, we’re going to see more studios and big porn companies exploring the high end of production, shooting in 3D, using very high-res cameras, creating virtual reality movies and taking advantage of emerging technologies – including some we can’t even anticipate right now. If there’s one thing we know about porn and the porn industry, it’s that people are eager to adopt new technologies and platforms, every time one emerges; it’s been this way since the first cameras were introduced, right through the advent of virtual reality. Every time a new visual medium or technology comes along, porn is one of the first things people use it for.

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