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Interviews We Love

The Thrillist interviewed us in 2015

1. Should couples watch porn together?

Couples should watch porn together if both members of the couple want to, and they share common tastes and fantasies. Then it can be a wonderful enhancement to a couple’s sex life.  I’m not one to say ALL couples can benefit from watching porn together, simply because not everybody likes porn, and trying to talk someone into watching porn when they don’t want to is probably not going to benefit the relationship. It all comes down to people communicating with each other honestly and openly.

2. What kind of porn should couples watch?

This is where communication and honesty work well. While tastes in porn vary greatly, I generally advise couples to start with something that intrigues and interests both of them.  I know that sounds like a bit of a cop-out answer, but you really can’t put people in a box. People have diverse tastes, there’s no “one size fits all” approach.

3. What kind of porn should couples NOT watch?

Again, the most important thing is that both members of the couple are comfortable with what they’re watching and mutually enjoying the experience. Otherwise, why watch it together at all? It really is all about personal taste.

4. Can you talk about couple-friendly porn?

That term means different things to different people, but to me, it means porn in which pleasure is a priority for everyone and not just the man. It means porn which isn’t simply a depiction of male fantasies, but in which the feminine perspective, pleasure and aesthetics equally matter. Unfortunately, in a lot of porn, that just doesn’t appear to be a priority.

5. What's the biggest difference between "porn for guys" and "porn for girls?"

As I see it, the biggest single difference is in porn made for women there’s a much stronger focus on female pleasure and the feminine perspective, something which is often overlooked in typical pornography.

Our movies depict real sex, intimacy, passion and mutual pleasure, with strong female characters, taking charge of their own sexual pleasure. We also don’t shy away from laughter and always depict sex in a positive light. To accomplish this we try to work with as many real couples as possible.

6. What kind of scenes are the best for couples who aren't used to watching porn together?

Really, the most important part of it is communication. In my opinion, couples should really talk about what they want to watch before they even start looking around. Such conversations can prevent a lot of needless awkward feelings. That said, I would recommend one of our movies or a movie made by one of the many feminist porn directors.

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