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“Unlike Anthony Weiner, I am completely familiar with all the photos ever taken of my penis.” You have to love an article that starts with that sentence. The infamous Joel Stein, reached out to us to chat about the finer points of “penis pics”. As one of his panel or expects, because Joel wanted to really dig into the topic - we talked about whether or not taking photo of your penis was a thing and if it’s something he should look into doing. Because no one wants to be on the wrong side of a fad.

In fact penis pics are not just for the guy next door, apparently it’s a thing with the likes of Kanye West and Brett Favre partaking with great frequency. So I guess if celebrates do it, it must somehow be ok and everyone should? Even Saturday Night Live and Funny or Die did comedy sketches on the topic.

The article, which was light and funny appears in the print version of Time Magazine and then a couple of months later it appeared online. So what was the conclusion? What did Angie Rowntree /, Pete Huyck, Alex Gregory, and Dan Savage have to say? Do women want to see penis pics and is it something Joel should pursue. Read it and find out “America's Next Top Weiner”

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