Interviews | Sssh.Com

Interviews, Thoughts & Opinions

Interviews We Love

This interview is interesting, as the questions were more about production and protocols than the usual type of questions we get, which are based around Sssh, why we started, porn for women, or about the survey or even a particular movie. These are all topics we love and will chat endless about, but the change is wonderful and lets everyone see a little bit different aspect of our company.  It appeared in Women24 in 2012

6. And in that vein, do you do market research with women and couples to inform productions? If so, what forms does this research take?

Ever since I first launched in 1999, I’ve been collecting survey data and other feedback from site members and visitors. I knew from the start I couldn’t just assume because I’m a woman, I’d have some intuitive understanding of what women want from their erotica, so I’ve spent almost 20 years asking questions, listening to the responses, comparing feedback from thousands of women and couples, and making films based on what I’ve learned. I collect data on specific sex acts they do or don’t want to see, fantasies they’ve entertained over the years, types of stories and situations they’d like to see depicted in my films – all kinds of incredibly valuable and much-appreciated feedback. Many of my movies, like Gone, are based entirely on input from individual members. So it’s safe to say that if you see it on, it’s because someone has asked for it.

7. How much of it is real in terms of female pleasure and satisfaction? We are used to seeing the so-called money shot when it comes to male pleasure, but I know many women feel alienated by porn since it just seems unfeasible that the female performers are having fun or for that matter, orgasms.

I highly encourage the couples we work with to “just be themselves”, My goal is to show sex in a positive light. Something meaningful and real. So I very much prefer all the pleasure being expressed is legitimate and heartfelt. I always tell performers what I’m looking for is authenticity: real sex, real pleasure and a real connection. We provide a safe and fun environment, where organic sex is celebrated. I think I’ve been successful in achieving our goals.

8. With “female-friendly” and “couple friendly” erotica, what has changed in terms of how women’s bodies are portrayed? Is there less objectification? Is there space for different body shapes?

One of the best things about the increase in women directing adult films is we all bring our own vision to the table and that’s so important - having diversity in the adult film industry. We are all defying porn stereotypes in very exciting ways.

On the whole, I’d say the industry still has a long way to go in terms of embracing diversity and abandoning preconceived notions about who its audience is and what they want to see – but we’ve come a long, long way since the early 90s when I got my start.

Back then, everybody told me I was crazy for thinking there was any potential in making porn for women because they said there was no such market. Nowadays, porn for women is a growth market of which they all want to be a part; sounds like progress to me.

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