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Interviews, Thoughts & Opinions

Interviews We Love

Youporn interviewed us for their "Female Director Series" . This interview will be broken down into 4 parts - it's really long. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!

4: What is your favorite aspect of directing?

For me, it is the “process” rather than the “product”

Most of my films are based on our member requests which is often the starting point for a long journey.

For Example:

My most recent film “Gone” started out with a heartfelt suggestion from a member to create a film about what happened after her husband went to the Middle East as a serviceman, separating them.

This then lead to me working with our book and screenwriter for many months to set up a script that would capture this.

Once we got on set, it was 10 days of hard work to capture the footage, followed by 4 months of careful editing.  The result is great as the film has garnered 5 (#?) nominations from AVN and Xbiz, and is now in the mainstream indie film festival circuit for consideration.

5: What would you say sets your content apart from the rest?

I would say it is simply “authentic”. People making love in the context of their relationships. Add to that high production values, musical soundtracks, and careful editing and it’s a winning combination. As often as possible, I do use real couples. There’s something about the intimacy and the partner's’ knowledge of each other in a couple which really translates onto film and makes for a very compelling sex scene.

When I can’t use a real-life couple, I look for performers who have worked together before and who enjoy working together. I want the whole experience to be fun for everyone, performers and viewers alike – so it just makes sense to do everything I can to make sure everyone is happy to be there and happy to be working with each other.

Frankly, fun is something I think is missing from a lot of porn. For some reason, a lot of directors seem to think it isn’t sexy for people to smile or laugh during sex, but to me, if the performers are clearly enjoying themselves, it makes it that much easier for the viewers to enjoy too.

At the most fundamental level, this is really what I’m trying to convey in my movies: Mutual pleasure. Not just pleasure for one member of the couple or another, but pleasure for both of them, and to communicate that each of them cares about the other one having a good time. They aren’t just “getting off;” they’re getting off together. To me, there’s a BIG difference between those two things.

I’ve always believed there was a strong market for porn among women; someone just needed to make the right kind of porn.

6: In your opinion, what kind of content do you think women want to watch?

Let’s debunk a myth here that has been floating around for a while.  There IS no accurate generalization of “what women want” in their porn.  In my 21 years of polling our members, it’s actually quite the opposite.  Women have vastly differing tastes that range from “romantic” to hardcore “down and dirty”, and everything in between!

For me, it has been important – but just as there’s no “one size fits all” approach which is guaranteed to work when you’re making porn for women, there’s probably no such thing as an ideal approach to exploring your sexuality as a couple, either. For example, if the woman in a couple wants to watch porn but her husband isn’t comfortable with the idea, it’s not necessarily the best idea to keep trying to overcome his reticence.

It all comes down to people communicating with each other honestly and openly. Once you’ve had the conversation, if both of you like the idea of watching porn together, and you share common tastes and fantasies, it can be a wonderful enhancement to a couple’s sex life. But watching porn is not for everyone; if you get the idea it’s not for your partner, rather than trying to talk them into doing it, it might be best to just let it drop and leave porn as something you watch on your own.

Having said that, I think just about all people masturbate, be they men or women. As for what percentage of women watch porn, I have no idea. My offhand bet is the percentage is higher among younger women, just because the social stigma attached to being a woman who watches porn seems to have eroded a bit over recent years, but hard, reliable data is tough to come by, so it’s very difficult to say what the percentages are, or whether I’m correct in my guess.

One thing is for sure, though: A lot more women are watching porn these days than anybody believed would ever watch porn back when I launched Back then, everybody thought I was nuts for believing there was even a market for porn among women.

To Be Continued Next Week.

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