5 Simple Ways to Add Romance to a Relationship
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by Aria Jones
Every relationship is unique especially when it comes to the level of romance that the couple enjoys. This does not mean that you cannot find ways to add romance to your relationship in areas where you feel that it is lacking. If your relationship has lost some of its luster and you are looking to restore the romance, then the following tips will help you get things going again. As every relationship is unique, it is essential for you to find the ways that work best for you rather than necessarily implementing all of them.
Make Ordinary Routines Special
How do you normally wake up in the morning or go to bed at night? Are there certain routines in your relationship that you can alter in order to make them more special? For example, if you both get up in the morning at the same time and have some time before work, consider making a special breakfast and spending time in the morning sharing coffee and the newspaper. If you both arrive home at the same time at night, consider setting time aside to talk about your day while having a glass of wine together. Take turns giving foot rubs or shoulder rubs while watching a favorite television show.
Find New Ways to Say I Love You
Show your love in simple ways. Make heart shaped pancakes in the morning for breakfast, or write a little love note on his or her napkin with coffee in the morning. Create a romantic playlist and play some music when your partner gets home from work, then offer them a shoulder massage while the music plays. Find ways to show them that you are paying attention to them. Pick up a favorite food from the grocer on your way home from work, or cook a favorite meal on a day when they do not feel well. Little ways to say I love you can really add up and make a difference in your relationship.
Write a Love Letter
There are a wide variety of reasons to write a love letter or note and many different ways that you can do it. Buy some pretty paper and write out a long love letter detailing what makes you happy about the relationship. Another option is simply to scrawl something simple and straight forward onto a smaller note and include it with a cute gift. Tuck a little note of encouragement or love into a shirt pocket. If your partner is going away on a trip for business, you might consider tucking love notes into the pockets of his clothing so that he has something of yours to read every day while he is away. There are many different ways to show your love in written form, and you can get really creative with the delivery as well.
Find Activities to do Together
Find out what shared hobbies you have, and then take that a step further by creating ways to share them together. If you both enjoy sightseeing or fitness, consider buying bicycles and going on rides together. If you have a shared passion, then strive to create situations where you can share that passion together, because this is a great way to build romance in your relationship while enjoying your own self as well. There are many ways to do activities in pairs, so find some things that you are both interested in and then bring those interests to life with shared activities.
Find Simple Acts to Surprise Your Partner.
Simple acts do not have to take a lot of time or money, but they can go far in showing your partner that you love them. For example, if your partner is taking a shower, surprise them with a fluffy and warm towel straight out of the dryer. If your partner is having a bad day at work, meet them in the parking lot of their workplace and take them out to dinner. Small, simple acts that show your partner that you are thinking of them and watching out for them are a great way to increase the romance in your relationship to new levels.
There are a myriad of ways to increase the level of romance in your relationship. The key is simply to decide which techniques are going to work best for you and your partner and then implement them. Many of these things can work on an ongoing basis as they are small and can involve multiple steps. Simply take time or make time to show your partner that you love them on a daily basis and you will have no problems keeping the romance alive and well in your relationship.
About Aria
Aria is a freelance writer whose personal experiences make her a good candidate for declaring love, relationship and sex advice. She also writes for Yahoo!”s Dating and Relationships channel. .