The Seduction Of Marie
by Admin

He sat staring at her from across the room. She just doesn’t see it, he thought to himself as he shook his head. There was something about the way she sat all alone in the corner watching everyone around her, eating, drinking, and talking with their friends.
Do women like that still exist?
It’s as if she had no idea how beautiful she truly was. Every man in the room had to be blind, they obviously could not see beyond her thick rimmed glasses or the frumpy yellow dress that she wore, if they even looked at her at all. He wasn’t like the other men there…he saw her when she thought she couldn’t be seen. He saw the curl of her soft lips as they reacted to a song she liked, the gentle way she ran her fingers through her auburn curls, and the look of satisfaction on her face with every sip of wine she took.
I’d want to see that look every day.
Donald decided to walk over to her. If I don’t try, I’ll regret it forever he thought to himself. He couldn’t help but smile as he scooped up his drink and walked across the room toward the object of his desire. The thin beige shirt he wore complemented his dark skin and his long and neat dreads fell loosely down his back. The polo shirt fit him perfectly and almost looked as though it were tailor made for him, accenting the lines of his muscles. He was a man who took pride in his appearance. A freshly groomed beard accentuated his chiseled jaw and his dark chocolate eyes didn’t miss a thing, especially her.
Donald was a good-looking man that turned the heads of nearly every woman at the party. Single girls, ones that were draped over their own dates, and even ones with rings on their left hands all stole a glance at the man making his way across the bar. And they were shocked to see the woman he was seemingly moving towards.
“No way!”
“I don’t believe this!”
These were the gasps and remarks coming from the women at one particular table.
“What is that beautiful black man doing walking up to that silly looking white girl?”
“There are plenty of black women out tonight who could do wonders with a fine specimen like that.”
“Oh, Sheila, you would do anything to be one of those women, wouldn’t you!”
“Oh, Michelle…Michelle! If I were free to sample that specimen! Oh Lord! I would have to quit my job and stay at home because I would NOT want to spend a single second away from an ass as fine as that!”
“Sheila!” exclaimed another friend sitting at the table.
“You wouldn’t be able to handle a man like that, darling! Now, if I were able to get my hands on him…mmm…he’s man enough for me!”
“But why does it look like he’s going to talk to that pathetic waif sitting in the corner. She really does look pathetic.”
“What the hell is that woman wearing?”
“I don’t know, but I do know that dress belongs in the bin!”
The barrage of words continued, unbeknown to the woman sitting at a table all by herself sipping on some white wine.
I have no idea what I’m doing here Marie thought to herself. She couldn’t help but recall how she’ gotten herself into this in the first place. She had agreed to come to the party because her sister was going out with the best friend of the guy whose birthday it was.
“Come on Marie!” her little sister had coaxed the previous day.
“It will be fun! You never go out! I mean, it’s a Friday night tonight and you’re snuggling up in front of the TV getting ready to watch that God awful show!”
“Hey!” Marie had protested. “The Walking Dead is not an awful show! I relate to the characters on it. It’s also a story about love and….”
“You relate to the dead, frothing at the mouth, zombies?” she exclaimed.
“Oh my God! Will you leave me alone and let me to watch this if I say yes to the stupid party?”
“Yes! Now go!”
Why, Marie? she asked herself as she ran her hand into her wild mop of curls. She glanced around at the people in the room and everyone seemed to be having such a good time and it made her wonder why she came.
Suddenly, her eyes fell on a man who appeared to be making his way towards her. Marie’s hands began to sweat and her heart thumped quickly as nervousness set in. She subtly glanced around to see whether he was in fact making his way to her. But, with one look around, she realized there was no mistake. She was along in her area of the room, and this beautiful ebony god was coming to her.
Brace yourself Marie, he’s a sexy man…Oh my God he’s so sexy! You can do this, you can do this. He’s probably just wondering where the bathroom is.
“Hi there,” he greeted with a smile and showed off his perfect set of white teeth. They contrasted beautifully with his chocolaty complexion.
Oh, my God. He’s talking to me…I can’t do this
“Um…hello,” Marie replied shyly. She could already feel her cheeks filling with blood.
“I’d ask if you were alone, but that wouldn’t be right.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I already know that you are alone.”
“Oh, um, actually, I’m here with…”
“I know, I asked Jerry about you. Your Jenny’s sister.”
He asked about me?
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.” She paused to tuck a curl behind her ear and it was all Donald could do to not reach out and touch it.
“What’s your name?”
“Can I join you, Marie?”
She couldn’t muster an answer but, instead, just gave a simple nod and scooted over so he could sit next to her. The feeling of being so close to a perfect creature such as him was enough to unnerve her.
He smiled and revealed a deep dimple in each cheek. She wanted to touch them, brush her lips across their indent and feel the soft surface of his skin on her mouth.
What am I thinking!
She felt a sensation begin to stir between her legs. It was a familiar feeling, one she often succumbed to in the privacy of her own home. A feeling that drove Marie crazy, made her say and do things she could never explain.
“Do you want to know my name?” the beautiful man asked.
Marie shook her head to erase the naughty thoughts running through it. “Oh yes! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I was just…lost in thought.”
“I’m Donald. It’s nice to meet you.”
Donald shook Marie’s hand and then pulled her toward him as he leaned close to her face. All he wanted was to place an innocent kiss on her delicate white cheek, but Marie nervously jerked and their lips found each other.
“Oh! I’m sorry,” She shrieked and hid her flushed face behind her hands. She felt like crawling under the table.
Donald gently pulled her hands away and gave her a smile as his eyes moved to her lips. “You apologize too much. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Donald then moved in once more and touched his large lips to her jaw, placing light kisses that left warm sensations running through her body.
Maria clutched on to the sides of her chair as he continued to trail his lips around her mouth and chin. It was a strange feeling, letting this beautiful stranger touch her so intimately only moments after meeting. She could feel the shocking eyes of jealous onlookers burning holes into her head. It only fueled her further and she moved her hand to caress Donald’s leg.
“You smell real good, Marie. You can tell me to stop if I’m making you uncomfortable,” he whispered in her ear. The light wisp of his breath tickled her ear and sent another cavalry of sensual bliss throughout her body.
“Oh, no!” she replied with a giggle.
She liked how blatantly forward he was. It took some of the pressure off of her. And somehow she wasn’t worried about what she should say or do next as she let him kiss her face and neck, rub her trembling thigh, and whisper in her ear.
He seemed to sense her submission as he moved his hand further up her thigh. She stiffened as he began to gather up the material of her dress in the palm of his hand so that her legs were fully exposed to him. Since she was sitting in an area where she was facing the crowd of people, she was behind the table, which made it difficult for anyone to see what was going on. To the curious eye it just looked as if he was leaning in to kiss her. His hand felt good on her naked skin as he moved up and down her thigh feeling her body start to move seductively. He lightly trailed his lips down the nape of her neck and felt her sharp intake of breath.
When she felt like she couldn’t take it anymore, Marie stopped and whispered into Donald’s ear.
“Do you want to go somewhere?”
He looked up at her in surprise because he definitely did not expect her to be so forward. Donald was looking forward to this. There was something about her that was intriguing and drew him to her. He wanted to please her, maybe even teach her a thing or two.
“I can’t leave the party yet, but I know somewhere we can go.” She pointed to an area behind the massive stage where the DJ was playing his music. He grabbed her hand in his and led her through the crowd on the dance floor where people were pressed up against each other, gyrating and moving to the tunes of the sexy songs booming through the speakers. When she started getting stuck between some of the couples because of the sheer number of them, he stopped and guided her in front of him as he pressed up against her back moving down to end of the dance floor and behind the large stage. Marie started to feel his dick harden as he brushed up against her. When they finally got to the back of the stage, the curtains were dropped and they were separated from the rest of the wedding party. He pushed her against a spare table that had been propped up against a wall and expertly moved the train of her dress to one side, revealing her slender thighs and her bright blue thong.
“A thong” he exclaimed. “I wasn’t expecting that.
He maintained eye contact with her as he slid his index finger between her thighs and moved her thong to the side, exposing her moist vagina.
“Am I moving to fast?”
She smiled and shook her head.
He pushed his middle finger inside of her pussy and was taken aback with how wet she was.
“Wow, you really want this don’t you?”
“I do.”
As he fingered her vagina and played with her clit, he bent over her and grabbed her by the neck with his other hand. Pulling her up towards him he kissed her passionately as he forced his tongue into her mouth.
“OH,” Marie moaned as she welcomed the invasion.
He tore away from her mouth and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her towards the edge of the table. As he watched her remove and kick off her underwear, he pulled down the zipper of his immaculately tailored slacks and frantically removed his underwear. His hard dick sprung to freedom and Marie gasped at the sight of the giant black girth. She wanted this so bad that she spread her legs wide and smiled at him.
“Do it to me, fuck me hard.”
He smiled back at her and, without another word, thrust his dick into her welcoming wet pussy.
“Ahh, oh fuck, yes!” She threw her head back in ecstasy.
Marie wrapped her legs around his waist and moved with him as he thrust his hips back and forth, in and out of her.
“Damn, you feel good baby,” he whispered to her as the music blasted in the background and her flushed face said that she wanted more. Just as he was about to flip her over, she pushed him away and jumped off of the table. Marie moved in front of him and violently pushed him towards the table, with his back resting against it. Before he knew what was going on, she was on her knees and his rock hard dick was in her mouth. He grabbed hold of her auburn hair and moaned with pleasure as her talented tongue moved up and down his member. It was almost a frantic movement while she was interjecting it with soft and gently kisses. When Marie really began to suck him, she opened her mouth wide and Donald saw the length of his dick disappear into the back of her throat.
“Holy shit, fuck, yes. Take it, baby. Take the whole thing,” he cried out in ecstasy.
She sucked him like he had never been sucked before and seemed to know exactly what to do and how to do it to make him feel like he was about to explode all over her face. When he thought he couldn’t take it anymore, she released his dick from her mouth and gently began to play with him with her hands. As she slowly pulled his foreskin back, she licked the exposed tip of his dick. She looked up at Donald and saw the surprised look on his face as she continued to lick him, maintaining eye contact with him the whole time.
“How…” He couldn’t even finish his sentence because before he knew it she had gotten back on her feet with her back facing him and her dress hiked up to her waist exposing her legs and her ass. She moved back into him until she felt his dick and then bent over and shoved it into her vagina. She grabbed hold of another solid table that was close by as he passionately and frantically pounded in and out of her.
The people were enjoying the music as the DJ started playing some of their favorite tunes. The group of jealous women could be heard from all over the party.
“They have been in there for almost an hour.”
“Wow, I’d be happy if Dave would go for five minutes without falling asleep on me.” “How much do you want to bet she’s the first one to come out looking flustered from the good sexing she got from that beast?” “I’d bet good money to see her face, poor thing probably doesn’t know what hit her.
As the women continued their chatter, their gaze suddenly fell on a figure emerging from behind the curtains.
Nothing could have prepared them to see Donald, emerging first, with his dreads in complete mayhem, his shirt out of his pants and a priceless expression that said this was probably one of the best he’d ever had.
The women stared at each other in disbelief as a smug looking Marie emerged from behind him, completely composed and holding his hand.
As the couple past by their table, Marie gave them a look of triumph and a sly wink.
“Close your mouths ladies, we’re off for round two.”
Copyright © 2013 Jennifer Shires • All International Rights Reserved You may not distribute or reprint this article, in whole or in part, without express permission from Sssh.Com