Summertime Foreplay
by Admin

Summertime is the best time to take your love life to a scorching level of intimacy. The warm summer nights should inspire you to engage in some hot and sexy activities with your special someone. Below are some fun ideas to try during the upcoming summer months.
Stimulate Each Others Senses
One thing that makes good sex, really good sex, is you and your partners ability to excite and stimulate each other. When your turned on and caught up in the heat of the moment, your senses are heightened. Combine that with the steamy weather outside and keeping cool becomes a fun erotic mission. Next time your looking for a scorching hot summertime foreplay session, go cool. Grab an ice cube. Tell your lover to close their eyes and suck on the ice cube for a few moments. Kiss them, taking the ice cube to your mouth. With both your lips, cool and wet, it’s the perfect time for some body and genital kissing, sucking and well you know! Your whole body will be tingling with excitement. Adding new elements to your sex life, is a great way to keep things heating up. Remember be creative, the more unexpected the action, the hotter things will be.
Turn Down the Temperature
Since the two of you can really heat things up in the bedroom, you might want to close your bedroom door and crank the air conditioning up as high as it can go. Leave your bed sheets exposed while the AC is running and you will have cold sheets and pillows to lie on while the two of you playfully seduce each other. And hey, if you get too cold from the air conditioner, you can always wrap up in each others arms to keep warm. And while your cuddling, just think of all the pervy fun you can have. It will be irresistible. Now that’s the start of some hot foreplay that neither of you will be able to resist.
Try a Mint-Flavored Lubricant
Ah, the tingling sensation of mint. Better yet, how about eatable, lickable, suckable mint lube. Massage your guy with your favorite flavored lubricant. Tease him gently by kissing all around his penis, but don’t touch the target. When he can’t take anymore, go in for the kill. The combination of your warm mouth and the cooling sensation from the lube will set him over the edge. It will drive him crazy. Girls, mint lube is great for oral sex (for him), but be careful using it on you or inserting it. Mint can be an irritant.
Slip n’ Slide
Isn’t sex in public fun? Well, we’re going to give you some outdoor sexy foreplay ideas. Have a water park in your area? If not don’t despair, go down to your locate store and pick up a “slip n’ slide” So do you want the x-rated or PG17 version? Executive decision time. PG17 it is…Put on your sexiest bathing suit and take turns sliding down the wet, cool slide. For extra sensation, turn on a sprinkler or slide down together. Who knows where this summertime fun activity will take you? Sound over the top silly? They say fun and laughter is an amazing aphrodisiac. So why mess with science.
Foreplay on the Road
Foreplay should never be confined to a specific room…and if your adventurous and creative, the options are limitless. How about renting a convertible and going on a long drive or even a road trip. The summer breeze playing against your skin, the fresh air, you get the picture. Although we are not going to endorse you giving a blowjob while your guy is driving, for safety reasons, I am sure the two of you can come up with other ways to tease each other. when it all gets to be much, find a secluded spot and pull over. A private beach, park, field, your options are truly endless. Just think outside the box. and have a steaming hot time.
Water Fights
Get ready for some hot outdoor sex! Nothing is more fun then a water fight. Screw the cloths, your going to be ripping them off fast enough anyway. Remember when you were a kid, how much fun a water fight could be. Well now is your chance to relive those days. With or without cloths, get those hoses ready and go for it. Both of you will be cooled off and wet in no time at all. Ever have sex up against a house?
Vacation Sex
Are you and your partner going on vacation this summer? How fun! This is the perfect time to really push on your boundaries and be very naughty. How about your hotel room balcony. A sail boat, you know the kind, the little two setter Sail Fish or my personal favorite, the pool or hot tub late at night. Sometimes a change of scenery is all you need to rekindle the flame and get hot, wild and kinky!
Summertime is about relaxing and enjoying yourself. Take that relaxation into the bedroom and you’ll spend the rest of the year counting down the days till the start of the summer season. There is nothing like summertime foreplay to get your sexual juices flowing and keep your relationship smoking hot. Satisfy and be satisfied this summer!