Interviews | Sssh.Com

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Carrie Weisman from "Alternet" was interested in exploring what trends we've noticed around female masturbation habits in the time since Sssh launched. Great topic and perfect for masturbation month.

3. What kind of material do you tend to avoid on Sssh? Why?

There’s nothing in particular which is automatically off the table; if a member submits it, as long as it's safe, sane, consensual and legal, we’ll at least consider the suggestion or request. There are many things I’m not into or wouldn’t be comfortable with doing when it comes to my own sex life, but I’m not about to impose my own proclivities on my customers and members; the movies I make for Sssh are about what they want, not what I want

4. Do you have any 'most popular' categories on Sssh?

The single most popular depiction is something we term “female-focused foreplay,” specifically foreplay involving a male partner. Perhaps not-so-coincidentally, I’d have to say this is probably the area most ignored in typical mainstream porn, where a lot of scenes seem to go from the first kiss to full-blown intercourse in about 90 seconds.

5. What have been the most inspiring/revealing/surprising (etc.) lessons you've learned about female desire since starting Sssh?

In a lot of ways, the most heartening thing I’ve seen in the years since I launched Sssh is a transition from women seeking feedback and information focused on pleasing their partner to women being interested in enhancing their own pleasure – not that they’re seeking pleasure at the expense of their partner, but putting their own enjoyment on a the same level as their partner’s.

The thing I most love to hear in feedback from our female members is how watching our movies enhances and adds spice to their sex life. This being Masturbation Month, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that according to our survey results, most of our female members watch porn by themselves – and we’ve heard quite a few times how relieved they were to find a source for porn they don’t have to spend hours digging through in order to find something they actually liked, as they do on a lot of the general, catch-all free porn sites out there. The way I look at Sssh, it’s only a success if it’s providing my members with what they’re looking for, so this type of feedback is by far the most rewarding and inspiring for me to receive.

6. From your experience in the field, what would you guess is one of the biggest differences between men and women in terms of the content they like to consume?

Please realize this is a sweeping generalization, but from where I sit, the biggest difference is women tend to want there to be more of a connection between the performers, whereas men are largely in it strictly for the sex acts depicted.

I’m not suggesting that in order for a woman to enjoy a porn movie, the characters all have to be fully developed, or depicted in the context of a loving relationship, or anything like that. I just mean women want to see more of a connection between the performers themselves, not necessarily the characters.

Women want to see more mutual enjoyment, pleasure and authenticity. Porn in which the woman is a full and willing participant, rather than watching a woman who seems like she’s only there to give the man (or multiple men) involved something to penetrate (unless of course, that is what she enjoys!).

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