Interviews | Sssh.Com

Interviews, Thoughts & Opinions

Interviews We Love

A fun interview with Cheex. This interview was released in 2017

1. Hello, so nice to have you here. You know, we are a big fan of your work: You are committed to female sexuality and produce award-winning porn films inspired by the fantasies and desires of your viewers. It is especially important for you that the films are produced ethically, which is guaranteed by fixed rules and your cooperation with the Ethical Porn Partnership. We think you do such an important work and particularly like the fact that you do not shy away from provocation. Female sexuality is not only soft and innocent, you adapt your productions to the range and creativity of female fantasies. We share these values and are very happy to learn more about your inspiring work. Give us three words to describe

As we say on our website: is Uninhibited, Unapologetic, and Unabashed always! But I would add to that “Original” as well because you’re really not going to find what we’re doing on Sssh anywhere else.

2. What were your reasons to start

At the time I started Sssh, I had already worked in and around the male-dominated adult industry. Seeing as how mainstream porn was male-centric and generally neglected the desires of female consumers—because the assumption was that women did not watch porn—I honestly wanted to fill that void, and create porn where female pleasure was at the forefront. I also wanted to artistically “bite back” a bit at the prevailing myth that women are not as visually stimulated, or as aroused by porn as men are.

3. The porn industry was very male-dominated at the time it was founded and still is in the mainstream today. How was the reaction to your idea of a porn website for women?

Back when I launched in 1999, many of my [male] industry peers thought I was wasting my time trying to make porn for women. Their resistance to my ideas was definitely annoying, but I obviously ignored them and just went about producing content and growing my site’s fan base. Later on, when the industry caught up and finally embraced women-as-porn-consumers, maybe I felt a little smug, but mostly I was happy to see my peers in porn finally come around—especially since it meant more opportunities could open up for more women to get involved in filming and bringing their vision to consumers.

4. Who's your target consumer?

Even though one of our taglines is “porn for women,” our primary consumers on are really couples and individuals who are looking for sex positive, intelligent and entertaining narrative-driven erotic cinema and other content such as stories, audio features, and sexual health and wellness articles and videos. All of which have a focus on women's pleasure

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