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Interviews We Love

At AVN one year, we were fortunate enough to meet and be interviewed by Chris Morris from CNBC. The topic? Porn geared towards women. In his article, he spoke about how porn traditionally catered to a male audience and that women were not interested in such things or so he thought.

Although “porn for women” has been around for a while now (years actually), We completely agree with Chris that the release and acceptance of “Fifty Shades of Grey” caused an explosion of adult sites, toy stores and BDSM erotic books, all geared with the female consumer in mind.

Chris spoke to a number of production companies that have created new lines (websites and DVDs) just for the couples market. Although I don’t agree with some quotes made by said production companies, such as the only difference between couples porn and mainstream porn is the plot - I believe its many different elements, with the plot being only one of them - I do think it’s important that pornography becomes more diverse. Even high-end erotic sites are still geared towards men. Just look at the tubes under their "female-friendly" section and you'll wonder how they thought any of that was geared towards women or even couples.

We were called “an exception to the rule” and quoted extensively in the interview. Chris talked a little about our philosophy and what makes us unique. We also spoke about the growth of this segment of the industry and specifically. We also touched on how Fifty Shades really was the catalyst for the growth of this niche. It was a breakthrough for the industry. According to CNBC, 60% of Hustler Hollywood's (adult toy store) clientele are women. The female consumer is also searching out those female-oriented films and sites.

You can read Chris’ full article on the CNBC website; Porn’s New Market: Women

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