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This interview is from 2020 and appeared in the Daily Mail.

6. What more do you think needs to be done in the industry going forward? Discussion of #MeToo has applied to many sectors, but do you think it has translated to the porn industry in the same way?

I think the industry needs to continue to welcome and encourage directors and performers from all backgrounds and perspectives to share their stories and put their visions out there for the world to see – and much more needs to be done to serve consumer diversity, as well. (The same can be said of mainstream entertainment too, of course.)

The industry also needs to do more to emphasize the primacy and crucial importance of consent. I think most adult studios do a very good job of assuring there’s 100% agreement between the performers and the director on all sex acts to be performed and depicted, but I don’t think we do good enough a job in communicating that fact to viewers, or a good enough job in depicting affirmative consent within our films.

#MeToo is an enormously important movement – and given that sex is part and parcel of making pornography, it’s a movement that should inform the choices we make in the adult industry, especially as it pertains to interacting with performers. I know that on my own sets, the performers call the shots, period. I don’t care if they’ve signed six forms saying they’re fine with engaging in a certain sex act; if the moment comes and they’re not comfortable with doing it, then we don’t proceed. That’s just an ironclad commitment on my part – there is no choice a performer can make that they can’t change their minds about later, regardless of when that change of mind takes place. There is no higher priority on my set than the comfort, safety, security and wellbeing of the performers. I’d like for that perspective, that orientation of priorities, to be universal across the adult industry, but I don’t think we’re there yet.

7. What repercussions do you think the coronavirus crisis will have on the industry - be that in the production of content or how people engage with it?

I worry that some of the smaller operations will fold because they can’t afford to be out of production for as long as combatting the coronavirus could require them to stop. I’m worried about film crews and everyone involved in the chain of production. At Sssh, we’re in pretty good shape, because we already had a lot of unpublished content in the pipeline, but I do worry about some of our friends and peers who are in different circumstances. I think most of the performers will be OK, especially if they’re well-established in the webcamming sector because traffic and business in camming is actually going up during all the sheltering-in-place going on around the world (so far, at least).

In a broader sense, the pandemic is impacting the whole of society and will continue to do so in ways that are hard to anticipate or prepare for and I’m sure those effects will be felt throughout the adult industry, as well. We’re liable to be living in a very different world by the time we emerge from this pandemic (whenever that may be) so I don’t doubt the adult industry will undergo some big changes as part of that, too. I can’t predict what those changes might be; all I can do is adjust to the changes as they come along and try to help others adapt and survive, too.

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