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Interviews We Love

A fun interview for Erotic Desires, which unfortuntely is no longer around. The reason we like it, is because it has a slightly different take on the "Porn for Women" genre and the adult industry. It was released in 2016

4. What distinguishes an adult site made ‘by women, for women’ like Sssh from other adult sites geared towards men?

Filmmakers and feminists and feminist filmmakers have long discussed the female gaze -- a certain look or perspective that comes from the filmmaker directly, the people on screen, and the viewer. And though we (obviously) cannot say things like “all women want to see something specific” in their erotica, or even that all women filmmakers create content in similar ways, there is a unique flow to movement and focus that comes from the female gaze. Viewers are looking for different things presented in different ways. So whereas content made by men for men (or even, by women for men) may have a certain feeling or flair, content made by women for women have a different look and feel.

5. What kind of porn turns women on?

Women are all different, so there is not anyone kind of porn that turns women on. It’s interesting that people never seem to ask “what kind of porn turns men on?” Women are just as multifaceted as men, if not more so. To misconceive “porn for women” as something that somehow literally -- like literally all women would somehow definitely enjoy it -- corresponds with the tastes and needs of women, in general, makes no sense.

“Porn for women” is a great label, something that says “Hey look over here!” And though the idea that some “porn for women” may be unique and seeking to change the narrative about porn and women consumers, taking the label at its literal face value is a mistake.

6. You were recently added to Women of Sex Tech’s Arts & Entertainment Founders list. How do you feel about this?

Women of Sex Tech is pretty amazing. The group includes content creators, artists, entrepreneurs, journalists, educators, innovators, and engineers, all with a collective mission to change the way the world views human sexuality and foster women’s entrepreneurship. It’s really an honour to be named among so many brilliant women leaders and innovators, and I'm thrilled to see women organizing and being recognized in what are often predominantly male arenas.

7. Finally, where do you see the future of female-driven porn going?

Well, in a perfect world, what I’d like to say is that it is the future. The future is here, and the future is now. Women have always worked in the adult industry at all levels, but we have more visible women in porn than ever before. Women directors and performers are connecting with the public in unprecedented ways. And the culture -- never before have we seen such a sex-positive, interested, and accepting public. With all these factors in play, you’d think porn would actually be old news. Or at least, not such scintillating clickbait-driven news.

But the fact remains that there still is a lot of underlying discrimination against porn, and diverse forms of sexual expression in general, embedded in our culture. We see it in social media and SaaS platforms’ (Software as a service) terms of service. We see it in performers having to defend their choices regarding the content they choose to make, as well as what content they choose not to make. So even though I’d love to say the future is now -- and in many ways it is -- in reality, I would like to see more women involved in porn. I would like to see all women with the capacity to add our own unique creativity, desires, and vision to erotic stories and depictions. Life is about choices, so let’s give people the very best to choose from.

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