Interviews | Sssh.Com

Interviews, Thoughts & Opinions

Interviews We Love

This interview appeared in "Glamour" in 2011. Reading back on the interview now, makes us feel old, but I also noticed that the answers where still very much on target.

* Tell me the basics about -- how long has it been in existence, what are the subscriber numbers like? Tell me a bit about the range of content. first launched in 1999, when there were almost no adult sites catering to women. I had been operating adult sites for about five years at that point, and the question I kept asking myself as I looked around the market was “Where’s the porn made for women?” At the time, that was considered an irrelevant question; the response I always got from other business owners was that women don’t watch porn, so nobody bothered making porn with female viewers in mind. That answer didn’t seem right to me, so I decided to do something about it, and Sssh was born.

I don’t discuss subscriber numbers or traffic figures. Suffice to say that tens of thousands of women have been members of over the years, many of whom also filled out our surveys and submitted their darkest (and not so dark) fantasies to us, and in doing so, they contributed in a very real way to the character of the site and the nature of the content we make. The survey has enabled us to answer the question, “What do women want?” We discovered very quickly that women's taste in porn varies as much as a men's. Hence our content covers a wide range of topics and media.

* What makes women's porn different than men's porn? When women ask you about your site, what are the most common questions you get? What is the strangest thing you've been asked about, or about female porn in general?

It’s hard to generalize, because just as men don’t all want to see the same things in their porn, not all women are drawn to the same kind of erotica. In general, though, women tend to respond to higher production values, appreciate a little less of a focus on close-up penetration shots, and like it when there’s more of a connection between the performers, and more emotion and passion than is typically depicted in most pornography. Women also tend to be turned off by what they see as exaggerated or fake orgasms; they want the pleasure and the sex depicted to feel real, not contrived. They also want to movies/ photo galleries and stories depicted from a women's perspective

When women ask about the site, the question you just asked is probably the most common one we get: What makes different from other porn? The answer, really, is that instead of assuming that we already know what women want to see, we’ve spent years asking them what they want to see, and making content that fits the feedback that we’ve received. Calling it “porn for women” isn’t a marketing phrase, it’s the real core of our three-part strategy – ask, listen and deliver. We’re literally making porn for women, and for our members, specifically.

As for your question “What is the strangest thing you've been asked about, or about female porn in general?” we don’t consider any question strange and encourage conversation about all aspects of porn and women’s sexuality.

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