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Interviews, Thoughts & Opinions

Interviews We Love

The interview on the next four pages is from 2016 and appeared in a Norweigan Publication called Nettavisen

10. What kind of women and men do you look for when you are shooting porn?

I don’t look for anyone specific, or certain manner of physical appearance unless there’s a role in a movie I’m making which calls for one. I recently put out a casting call seeking performers over the age of 50, for example, because the characters in the movie are over 50, and I want what I create to be as authentic as possible.

There are things far more important than looks or acting ability I do look for, though. It’s very important performers understand what it means to be in porn and the impact on their life that choice has. If it’s something they want to do, but don’t want anybody to ever find out, that’s just not a realistic expectation anymore, not in the age of the internet and social media.

11. How has your site been received by feminist anti-porn people?

I have no idea, honestly. I think, for the most part, anti-porn feminists act as though women like me (meaning women who direct porn, and do it the way they want and as they see fit) and the movies we make simply don’t exist, or are secretly being controlled by some evil man lurking behind the scenes.

I’ve tried to engage several different anti-porn feminists in a debate series I sponsor, so I can ask them directly what they think, but nobody has ever responded to the invitation. It’s not like they’ve written back with a reason why they don’t want to participate; they’ve just completely ignored the invitation altogether.

12. Do you agree that porn and the porn industry is anti-women/anti-feminist?

I’m sure there are some people within the industry who are anti-woman, anti-feminist, and misogynistic, but it’s completely unfair to label everyone in the industry this way. The adult industry is just like anything else in life, any other large group of people; most people in it are wonderful, honest, and kind, others are not.

Frankly, if anybody can think of any industry which is made up only of good, nice people, I’d love to know what industry it is. Is every energy or utility company made up a bunch of greedy jerks like Enron? The answer is no, of course, and nobody would assert they are. For some reason though, when it comes to porn, many people seem to assume the whole industry is as bad as the worst company or individual within it.

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