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This interview appeared in "Scandalous Women Magazine" as the cover feature. It was about 'Empowering Ava - A Virtual Reality Experience", starred Ava Ava Mir-Ausziehen and Lance Hart from "Empowering Ava was our first full 360 VR movie

1. What first gave you the idea to create this special (VR) erotic film for women?

As is always the case, the idea came from a request sent in by a member of, who wanted to see a pegging scene that was more sensual, loving, and emotional than those she’s seen before. She wanted something which had a sense of mutual enjoyment. I felt this particular story and context lent itself well to the immersive VR environment – and so “Empowering Ava” was born.

2. How do you believe that VR technology intensifies and personalizes the viewing of an adult film?

As it does with other mediums and genres, VR takes adult film beyond merely watching something and into the realm of experiencing it more fully. Rather than feeling like you’re on the outside looking in, you get a feeling of participation – and it’s not just the 360 aspect, as binaural sound is also a very important part of VR as it helps direct attention and immerse the viewer.

The most exciting aspect of VR as someone who makes films is knowing we’re just starting to scratch the surface of VR’s immense possibilities. I can only imagine as the technology develops and new techniques are developed, the quality and depth of the VR experience is only going to get more intense and immersive.

3. As a major fan of, I recognize the site as a trailblazer and industry leader in women's erotic websites. So are you planning more feature films and series?

We have two new features in post-production right now, Spellbound and Toying Around. I don’t want to say too much about them for now, other than that I’m very proud of both and have high hopes they’ll be well received. We’re also set to shoot our next feature in November, another VR project which is probably best described as a suspense movie or erotic thriller.

4. What first inspired you to create erotic films for women?

It goes back to when I first got involved in the online adult entertainment industry, and one of the first things which really struck me about the market was there was almost no adult content available which seemed like it was really made with women in mind. There were a few early trailblazers, like Candida Royalle, but, for the most part, the market was completely dominated by porn made for men and reflective of male fantasies, desires, and pleasure. Back then, everybody told me there was no such thing as women who wanted to watch porn, and making porn with a female audience in mind was a waste of time, effort, and money. Here were are, almost 20 years later and Sssh is still going strong.

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