Interviews | Sssh.Com

Interviews, Thoughts & Opinions

Interviews We Love

Youporn interviewed us for their "Female Director Series" . This interview will be broken down into 4 parts - it's really long. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!

This is our last segment in the series.

11: When you are making films are you targeting a particular audience? If yes, how do you tailor your movies to this audience?

Obviously, our target audience is women and couples, but beyond that, our films are by and large produced based on ideas and requests from our members. I learned long ago that it is far better to ask people what they want, rather than assume what they want based on stereotypes.

Based on our surveys and member feedback, it’s really very mixed – and again, we do see variation which seems to correlate with the age of the viewers.

Among women over 30, the percentage watching with a partner is higher than women under 30, and if you think about it, that makes intuitive sense, in part because, among couples who have been together longer, I think there’s more comfort in approaching the whole subject of watching porn together because the relationship is more established.

12: If you could collaborate with another female director in the industry, who would be and why?

There are many that come to mind, but one that stands out to me is Shine Louise Houston. She very much thinks out of the box and is one of the most creative and talented directors of any gender.

13: Do you feel there is a pro-women movement happening in the industry right now? If yes, how so?

Of course! It’s been happening for many, many years. What was started by women like Candida Royalle, Annie Sprinkle, Nina Hartley and others 20 years ago has blossomed into a full-fledged movement which, beyond “pro-women”, is more importantly “sex-positive”.

14: What advice would you give to other women in adult?

Find what brings you passion and joy and stick with it! That will show through regardless if you are directing films or performing in them!

Next week we are going to be bringing you another lengthy interview, this time from Porn Corporation and it has one of our favorite quotes...but you'll have to come next week to find out what it is.

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