Interviews | Sssh.Com

Interviews, Thoughts & Opinions

Interviews We Love

Youporn interviewed us for their "Female Director Series" . This interview will be broken down into 4 parts - it's really long. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!

1: So, the big question…..why adult? What is it that drew you into the adult industry?

I launched in 1999, for a very simple reason: When I looked around the web at all the different porn sites, and looked around the adult video market at all the different titles and series, I didn’t see much which would appeal to women. Back then, most people didn’t think there was any such thing as a market for “porn for women,” but I didn’t believe them. I thought the problem wasn’t women don’t want to watch porn; to me the problem was not enough people were making porn which would appeal to women. If we give women a reason to watch, something they want to watch, and they will watch; that’s how I approached it.

From the start, I knew it might be a mistake to create content based solely on what appealed to me, so I began surveying members and asking them for feedback right away. I’ve stuck with this approach for 16 years now, because it works. Our movies and content are 100% based on the fantasies and desires of our members.

At its core, the Sssh community is all about communication. Users and members communicate what they want to see to me as a filmmaker. We then create that fantasy as faithfully as possible and make it come to life. It’s the same way we approach all of our content, not just movies. We aspire to make Sssh a site that our members have a hand in creating.

A lot of our members watch as couples, so while I’ve definitely tailored the site to appeal to women, it’s not like men don’t get a say in what I make; I listen to their feedback, too, especially when it’s coming in the context of feedback about what both members of the couple want to see.

2: When did you decide you wanted to direct adult films?

Once I had launched, it became apparent that we would need original adult films geared towards women. Aside from Candida Royalle, there really was not much out there at that point. I had been a

photojournalist in mainstream for many years taking still photos, but the need for original erotic works compelled me to learn how to direct and produce movies based on our member requests. The learning

curve was steep, but within the first year after learning from some great adult and Indie directors, I managed to get my tool kit in order. It seems to have worked as I am now considered an “authoritative

voice” on the topic, recently presented to the Sundance Institute, and was inducted into the the AVN Hall of Fame Founders division for my body of work.

3: There has always been the opinion that porn is degrading to women or that it is not compatible with a feminist ideology. What is your opinion?

As the old American expression goes, that is “Horse Hockey” (translated as horse shit). Pretty much every anti-porn group from the Meese Commission, to Gail Dines, have pulled that card out of their

pocket to augment their “save the children” campaigns to eradicate porn.

It’s just not true though. In my 21 years of directing porn, I know that the vast majority of women and men that we have cast as performers are passionate about doing it. Of course, there are rogue

studios out there that exploit actors, but that is the exception to the rule. From my experience, the vast majority of female and male talent that come through our studio are very enthusiastic participants

to present erotic works from their paradigm (and yes. they love to be well-paid and well-fed!)

To Be Continued Next Week.

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