Established in 1999, is a pioneering ethical porn site signifying a revolution in erotic cinema. Championing female pleasure, effortlessly merges sex-positive, ethical pornography made from a woman’s point of view with award-winning artistry. Boldly uninhibited and unapologetically authentic,'s films dive into character-rich tales that radiate provocative storylines and palpable chemistry. Tracing back to its origins in the '90s blogosphere, employs a signature internal survey, granting members the platform to voice their deepest desires and directly influence content. Every original film on has been crafted in response to its members' requests, epitomizing the fantasies of their community. With nearly a quarter-century of insights, Rowntree ensures each frame resonates with a longing, a fantasy, and a shared dream.
Beyond the vast array of erotic films, the platform offers viewers adult sex education videos, sexual wellness articles, captivating audioerotic stories and podcasts, evocative erotic fiction, and immersive ASMR porn experiences that send tingles throughout. Members can also dive into guided masturbation sessions, curated pairings of sex toys and movies, authentic member confessions, and the avant-garde video viewing platform, Sssh Soirée. contributes to a variety of charitable causes which benefit communities around the world. In addition to its primary website, Sssh also produces Mindbrowse, an interactive online live show, and the Twitter-based chat program #SexTalkTuesday, which has featured celebrity guest moderators. Adhering to the highest ethical standards, takes pride in treating all its employees, performers, customers and business associates with fairness, compassion and respect.

About Angie Rowntree
@AngieRowntree is the founder of, the web's premier "porn for women" site and winner of the 2015 XBIZ Award for Best Alternative Website and 2017 Best Adult Site – For Women. An inductee to the AVN Hall of Fame Founders Division who also has been named as one of the industry's top female power-players, Angie got her start in the adult industry's online sector in the early 90s, making her one of the adult Internet's true pioneers. In addition to directing's original films, Angie is also the producer of the online discussion series, which brings together directors, performers, academics and critics to tackle some of the most incendiary and controversial topics surrounding the Adult Industry.
Known for her lighthearted and straightforward approach, Angie is a frequent participant on panel discussions at adult industry trade shows, and has been profiled by a variety of major media outlets, including ABC's Nightline, CNBC, Fox, Cosmopolitan, NPR, the BBC, and TIME magazine. Most recently, Angie became the first member of the adult industry to speak at a Sundance Institute event, appearing at the "Creative Tensions: Sex" experimental interactive discussion event in Brooklyn. In March 2018, Rowntree spoke at SXSW about using Explicit Sex as a Storytelling Element and is a member of Women in SexTech.
In Her Words
I'm an erotic filmmaker by trade, a vegetarian by choice and a
lover of animals by way of an irresistible, lifelong compulsion. I
also love a good story, be it hard and true, or fantastically
fictional. I became a filmmaker to tell stories, both my own and
those I've been privileged to have others share with me and
generously allow me to tell on their behalf. I don't make erotica
to shock viewers, or merely to titillate them; I want people to
engage with my characters, to feel what the characters feel and to
absorb it all emotionally and viscerally, rather than simply take
in a spectacle with their eyes alone. I've led something of a
complicated life myself, which may be why I like challenging
narratives which track complex emotional journeys -
quintessentially human tales, in which the characters and the
viewer are tested, and from which they emerge triumphant, inspired
and whole.
I believe in the enduring, undying power of passion; whatever challenges you encounter, whatever opportunities come your way, meet them with all the passion you can muster. Passion doesn't guarantee success, but it does guarantee giving your best effort - and that's all life can ask of us.
Movie Screeners
Our movie screeners are available to members of the media, researchers, and other professionals.
For more information please contact Jennifer Shires at Press (at) Sssh (dot) com
Contact us for more information:
Our PR Team
- Jennifer Shires
the.shires10 (at) gmail (dot) com
Phone: 603-465-9092
Fax: 603-465-9095
Email: Editor (at) Sssh (dot) com